The Lord’s Day




Sunday School for all ages begin at 9 AM.


Morning Worship


Morning worship begins at 10 AM every Sunday morning.


Evening Instruction & Prayer


Evening instruction begins at 5 PM every Sunday evening.


Fellowship Meals


Join us for a fellowship meal on the 1st Sunday of each month at 5 PM at a member’s home. Reach out for an address.




Women’s Bible Study


Women’s Bible Study meets at the church every week at 9:30 AM on Wednesdays until Nov 13th. We’re studying the book of Ephesians, using Lydia Brownbacks study guide, “Ephesians: Growing in Christ”.


Men’s Bible Study


Men’s Bible Study meets at a member’s home every Wednesday night at 7 PM until Dec 11th. We will be studying the book of Revelation. Reach out for the address!


Membership Process at Bay Haven

For those of you who are considering membership at Bay Haven, or are just curious, the following steps represent the usual membership process.


Step 1


Take the New Member Class. This step is not required if you are transferring your membership from another Orthodox Presbyterian Church, but highly encouraged.


Step 2


Submit a new members questionnaire. Complete and email to Click here for questionnaire.


Step 3


Interview by session. Once the previous steps are completed, we will schedule an interview with the Session. This is an opportunity for the elders to get to know you and to learn how God has been at work in your life. You will be asked some basic doctrinal questions (e.g. What is sin? What is the gospel?) and questions about your life as a Christian (e.g. How do you devote yourself to God?).   


Step 4


Publicly receive into membership. After your interview is approved by the Session, we will announce to the congregation that you will be received as members at Bay Haven. During a worship service following the announcement you will be publicly received as members of Bay Haven.

Contact us.